covid 19 coronavirus cdc

Frequently Asked Questions about Covid-19 – CoronaVirus

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

Read more at the CDC’s Website

 How can I help prevent its spread?

At this time, health officials tell us the best way to protect ourselves and those around us is to practice proven techniques to limit the spread of respiratory illness. Stay home at the first sign of illness. Cover your coughs. Wash your hands and clean high-touch surfaces frequently.

If you would not otherwise seek medical care, this is not a reason to do so now. Take care of mild symptoms at home as you would otherwise do, and don’t expose others unnecessarily.

If you have more severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing or becoming dehydrated, call your medical provider to discuss your symptoms. He or she may direct you to go to a hospital for further evaluation and will help you plan to do so in a way that will not expose others. Your medical provider can communicate with the public health department about testing needs.

How contagious is COVID-19 (CoronaVirus)?

There are some diseases, like measles, that are very infectious and can spread in a short time in the same room as someone with the disease. Health officials say COVID-19 is not like that.

Health authorities tell us that everything they have learned indicates that this is spread like the flu, which requires prolonged close contact with an ill individual or direct contact with respiratory secretions (for example, being sneezed on). 

As we learn more about this disease, we will know more about how infectious it is. Health officials emphasize there is no need to test people without symptoms at this time. 

Who has the most at risk of catching this virus?

Persons who are older or who have underlying health conditions are at higher risk of developing complications from this virus.

What is Ryan Corporate Housing‘s role in preventing the spread of COVID-19?

Like any place where people gather, we feel a responsibility to do our best to protect from transmittable diseases, and we are taking measures recommended by the Department of Health and CDC.

Where can I find more information?

The Centers for Disease Control

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